
The North American Base

Thunderclap's continuing story,

The North American Base [Earth]
by Neo Calrissian
Jun 16, 2009 14:55:45 GMT -5
Batteries Not Included.

Penitentiary Station has been attacked! No-one knows from where or by whom but an automated distress call was broadcasted. An elite group of Transformers has decided to investigate to uncover the secret mystery..

Scene 1 - Kavizs Prax.
by Thunderclap
Mar 20, 2009 22:13:44 GMT -5
Fire Dome

Neoconvoy333's continuing story.

Fire Dome
by Thunderclap
Jun 8, 2009 22:06:50 GMT -5
A Russian Beginning - 1 Viewing

Please see RP Discussions & Plans forum for details about this Interactive Story.

Village Advance
by Thunderclap
Sept 11, 2009 7:14:15 GMT -5
The Beast Below

Transformers don't celebrate Halloween, but if they did they might think twice about this secret mission underneath Cybertron's surface down the deep, dark and dirty waste tunnels...

A special week long Halloween Interactive Story, starts 9pm.

Heading Out
by Bomblast
Feb 23, 2011 19:21:59 GMT -5
The South American Insertion

An Allspark Fragment, which after going through the Amazon River, is then picked up by the rebels and take it to their main base. Not aware of it, it soon is placed in an armory with other items. Soon, governmental forces assume that the rebels have nuclear capability and the British Government orders that "the Nuclear Device" be retrieved. They send 12 Troop, Special Air Service to the Amazon Jungle, where the base is located. Dropped into the river by an airborne drop, 12 Troop soon move through the jungle in ghillie suits to try and recover the "Device". But meanwhile, the Altech Organisation makes it's move, sending a force after the Allspark Fragment, but learning that things are going to be messy as they learn about the British assuming that they think the Allspark to be a nuclear Device. As the team goes into the Amazon, they have to go and retrieve the device from the hands of not only the Rebels, who are heavily armed and willing to fight hard, but from the Decepticons, who have learned of the information.

Profiles - Humans
by $hØ©Këyë
Oct 7, 2009 3:48:08 GMT -5
Transformers: Animated - The Continuing Adventures - 2 Viewing

Back on Cybertron, the Autobots are at peace with the Decepticons. As they prepare a memorial in Prowls honor, Strika and her Decepticons plan to break their way into the facility and bust Megatron and several other Decepticons out..

The first responders are a group of Autobot's that are on active duty during the graveyard shift. Acting fast they are lead by the chief security guard to a ship in the facilities hangar bay and give chase to the escaped Decepticons.

Characters the aren't available:

Moderator: Onix Solo

OOC: Question, Concerns & General Chat
by Jazzman Crothers
Apr 24, 2012 8:35:19 GMT -5
The Guns Of Fort St Pyrotron

A mighty fortress, jutting out of the tip of the great sloping mountains and bottomless scars in the battle-torn earth that is the Sonic Canyons. Many years ago, it guarded the divide between the provinces of Polyhex and Altihex, never sleeping, never ceasing in its duty of protecting the Autobot Borders.

Now, however, it lies forgotten, dust settling, mecha-spider cobwebs forming, slowly dying. Until, that is, a token resistance of Autobots, constantly on the run from Decepticon law enforcement, desperately attempting to stay out of the concentration camps, stumble upon it...

What has made its home in the bowels of this arcane fortress? Will the Autobots be able to hold out against the gargantuan Decepticon threat? And what is the fabled Spark Of Prime Nova, said to be able to shift the tide of battle... for ever?

OOC Thread
by Bomblast
Mar 24, 2011 10:57:11 GMT -5
Beast Wars Ascension II: Betrayal Of The Insectrons

Active With the Cybertrons fixing their delapidated ship to set up a communications array, and the Destrons using the super-computer to their full advantage for a new base, both teams find themselves pre-occuppied having discovered other Transformers on the planet, the deadly Insectrons. But whom will ally with whom and find them first and at what price?

Moderator: Hoistwave

Destron Profiles (GM only)
by Hoistwave
Apr 6, 2013 8:10:37 GMT -5

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Hoistwave: RENEGADES ARE ALL DEAD Jul 26, 2024 11:13:47 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: Damn, I don't have a comeback for that one. Jul 19, 2024 13:29:46 GMT -5
Hoistwave: Slowly Jazzman was digested for hundreds of thousandths of years... Jul 18, 2024 0:06:31 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: Thundercat? Thundercat? Where? *trips over the banister and falls into scarlac pit* Jul 17, 2024 10:28:42 GMT -5
Thundercat: XD Kinda bossbot, I peek in now and again, but life has had me busy these days Jul 16, 2024 19:12:43 GMT -5
Hoistwave: Thunder.. Thunder, Thundercat's Baaaccccccck! Jul 15, 2024 17:52:45 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: Allow me to introduce TRANSFORMERS BATTLEZONE! Its suppose to be a collection of short stories taken from the world of Transformers. Named after the TF message board where I & Hoist met and where we were introduce to RPG. And where the Renegades were born! Jul 6, 2024 8:26:07 GMT -5
Hoistwave: And just like that... It's 4th July! Happy Holidays America! Jul 4, 2024 6:36:02 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: And has never been happier in his life!! Jul 4, 2024 0:36:57 GMT -5
Hoistwave: Jazzman Crothers is now in a maple syrup coma. Jul 1, 2024 15:47:08 GMT -5 *
Jazzman Crothers: *shotguns a mug of maple syrup* Jul 1, 2024 8:15:18 GMT -5
Hoistwave: Happy Canada Day!! Jul 1, 2024 1:59:50 GMT -5
Galra Keith: Hi Ravage18 Apr 1, 2024 13:44:12 GMT -5
Ravage18: I just happened to check when the last PM was to get an idea how long it's been...kinda wish I didn't lol, don't need a reminder with that sort of time scale ;) Mar 31, 2024 17:58:36 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: It's L7 btw, lol Mar 29, 2024 8:40:26 GMT -5
Jazzman Crothers: WHOOOOOOAA! Ravage18!! Stand at attention you newbies and salute!! Ravage18 is TTF OG!!!! Mar 29, 2024 8:40:06 GMT -5
Hoistwave: What can I say, ALOT has changed, alot hasn't! You're always welcome here though, a lot to thank you for for starting us off with the RP part of the board. As far as I'm concerned your a V.I.P member! Mar 24, 2024 7:04:39 GMT -5
Ravage18: ...and I was expecting a smiley face rather than Bumblebee lol Mar 24, 2024 2:24:54 GMT -5
Ravage18: Lol I was looking for a password recovery email in my junk email when I saw your "accounts and activity" message. I'm almost scared to think about how long it's been :) Mar 24, 2024 2:23:55 GMT -5
Hoistwave: Woah! Where did you spring from?!!! Hope you are well! Mar 24, 2024 1:49:33 GMT -5 *
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